Payment options look to be changing, why?

Review for
Payment options look to be changing, why?
I've recently noticed that your payment options have changed quite a bit. Why is this and what's the most solid way to pay for my modafinil order? It seems like you always have Bitcoin as an option, even when other options are not available?

Thanks for still being there for my modafinil needs

Review for Modalert 200mg
Thanks for still being there for my modafinil needs
What's it been, like 4 years? You guys have been my go-to modafinil vendor since your inception and I just wanted to take the time to tell you how much it means to me. My insurance does not cover my modafinil, even with my prescription. You and your company are lifesavers. I wish Big Pharma wasn't so darned greedy.

STILL OPEN! I knew it!

Review for Modalert 200mg
STILL OPEN! I knew it!
I received a weird phishing type of email with all kinds of scary sounding info attached to it saying you were closing down. I'm happy that was false and you guys are still around. I was probably one of your first customers way back and hope to remain a longstanding customer! Thanks, Mike!

Received my order from Singapore to the USA

Review for Modalert 200mg
Received my order from Singapore to the USA
I was somewhat in disbelief that BuyModa managed to get me my modafinil in short order even though I'm sure their supply lines are in tatters. Thank you for coming through clutch and God bless us all!

Another BuyModa review from Australia

Review for Modawake 200mg
Another BuyModa review from Australia
I've read a lot of reviews from fellow Australians and I only have good things to say about them. I had an issue with my first order, but they reshipped my Modawake right quick and it came through in 11 days. I've ordered from BuyModa 6 times now over the course of a year and find everything about them to be superior to the other options out there, which are shady at best. A bit thank you for Modafinil Mike for all of his and his staff's assistance from the land Down Under!

Modvigil delivery during the holidays

Review for Modvigil 200mg
Modvigil delivery during the holidays
I can't believe how fast my modvigil 200mg tablets got to me, even with the holidays. Way faster than when I ordered from Modafinilcat, Modafinilstar, Afinilexpress or Duckdose. Thank god for buyModa!!

BuyModa added Modawake and Modaheal, yes!

Review for Modawake 200mg
BuyModa added Modawake and Modaheal, yes!
Thank you for adding Modawake to your modafinil products. I used to be a fan of Modawake but then it became hard to buy it online. Alas, Buymoda has answered my prayers.